
Thursday Night Social Ride @ Asda Walmart
Jan 21 @ 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Thursday Night Social Ride @ Asda Walmart | Swindon | United Kingdom

Leaving Asda Walmart @ 7pm heading up to the Jovial Monk pub for 7.15 for people who want to start at the finish.

From there out to South Marston via Blunsdon and Stanton Park. A couple of laps of Nightingale woods, before heading back for refreshments @ the Jovial Monk.

Helmet, lights and warm clothing required. All levels catered for.
Nobody gets left behind.

Friday Ladies Leisure Ride @ Croft or on the route
Apr 29 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Friday Ladies Leisure Ride @ Croft or on the route | Swindon | United Kingdom

This week’s ‘Ladies Leisure Ride’ will be on Friday 29th April.

I plan to leave Liddington around 9.30am, ride to croft via malborough rode and the cycle path – route 45, arriving at Croft around 10 am. I am happy to either carry on from there or do a lap or two, depending on what you all want to do!

I will cycle from Croft to Wroughton via Whitchelstow and head to ‘Cowpuccino’s for a coffee break, getting there for 11. Then head back to croft for around half 11 and back to Liddington , via Coate Water and badbury for another coffee or toilet break! We should be back to Liddington by 12 , depending on how long we drink coffee for.

There will be some connecting roads, cycle paths, and trail riding if you wish!

I am happy for people to join us along the way if there is only part of that route that you wish to do. Just let me know and I can arrange an approximate time to meet you.
Hope to see some more ladies out riding this week.

The Family Shred @ Flyup 417 Bike Park
Aug 16 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

This is a bringing your kids somewhere fun trip!

The 417 Project is only half an hour from Swindon and has some great trails and features for developing skills for all ages, although you need to be confident riding off stabilisers and over small obstacles.

There is a small outdoor trail aimed specifically at kids, with bermed corners and small ramps to go over, which is a great place to start.

That is right next to the bottom section of the Blue trail, which is great for progressing further – the more you progress, the further up the hill you go basically.

Inside one of the barns is a Velosolutions pump track too, which is great for everyone in all weathers.

Above that is also a Leisure Lakes bike shop, which does an excellent range of kids specific clothing and protection.
Oh and the cafe does amazing food, coffee and milkshakes!

Children are welcome on this event, but you will be responsible for your own children at all times, including making sure they are capable of riding whichever trail they decide to tackle.

It costs £8 entry for adults, or £5 for under 12s. You can book in advance online at

Helmets are compulsory at the bike park – they will not let you ride without one.

We will meet at 10am in the car park.

SMTBE Saunter to the Summer Solstice Sunrise @ The Bayberry
Jun 21 @ 2:30 am – 8:00 am
SMTBE Saunter to the Summer Solstice Sunrise @ The Bayberry

Debbie had this great(!) idea to ride over to Avebury to see the the Summer Solstice sun rise, in order to do this we have undegone the club ride leader training as we’re the only two barmy enough to want to do it at the moment. Excitingly this will be our first event as ride leaders so more than a good enough reason to get out of bed and join us 😀

The plan is nothing more than to cycle to Avebury to see the sunrise and then back (always maintaining a group), the pace will be slow and steady to suit those in attendance and suitable for all abilities and fitness levels. It is approximately 15 miles out and a similar distance back (the exact route will be reccied Thursday 6/6 and once done this event post will be amended to suit so stay tuned for further details).

Due to the start time and off road nature of this route you will need lights, a bike in good working order and of course a helmet. It would also be a good idea to bring water and something to eat, there may be food/coffee for sale there but this isn’t guaranteed.

Sunrise times…
London 04h43
Stonehenge 04h52

All Inclusive Tuesday Short Ride @ Croft Cycle Trail
Aug 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
All Inclusive Tuesday Short Ride @ Croft Cycle Trail

Next week’s Tuesday Short Ride is a special short ride and we will be leading a ride that will include parents and children under 18. This ride will be about an hour and a half and children must be capable of riding 20-25k and be confident riding up hills and off road. We will be going up onto the Ridgeway, so this is a great chance for those that have been to Croft to go for a longer ride up into the hills.

This has been a long time in the pipeline and we thank you for your patience whilst we have been trying to arrange evening rides to include kids.

The All inclusive Tuesday ride will hopefully take place every 6 weeks, so keep an eye out for the next one.
Please note: children under 16 MUST be accompanied by a parent, children aged 16/17 can be unaccompanied, but written permission and contact details must be e-mailed to :

As with all rides, helmets are compulsory and lights and suitable clothing are also required.

We will start and end the ride at Croft, however I will be parking at the Bayberry pub and will ride over at 6.45pm. If any others who don’t have kids with them want to join me, I will then be riding back with a slightly detoured route from Croft to the Bayberry for an after-ride beverage.

Everyone is welcome on this ride and you don’t need to borrow a child to attend!! This is the short ride for this week and it is designed to include everyone, as it has been very much requested.

Myself and Adrian will be leading the ride and we are both DBS checked and hold outdoor first aid certificates. I am also a primary school teacher and Adrian is a MIAS Level 3 Ride Leader.

May Weekender 2020 – Exmoor @ Porlock
May 23 @ 10:00 am – May 25 @ 2:00 pm
May Weekender 2020 - Exmoor @ Porlock
Our annual May Bank holiday trip will be to the fabulous Exmoor in 2020.
We have 3 days riding planned and you can do all or just some of them.
Day 1 – the big day out. Starting from Porlock we will do a 28km loop of some of the best hills and scenery Exmoor has to offer, including Wootton Courtenay, Ranscombe and Horner. There will be amazing views of the hills, sea and Wales, epic descents and glorious woodland. There will be options on the route as well, including a cut off near the end to remove 300m of climbing, to enable more people to have a go at the route. For the “adventurous” there will also be a chance to take in one of the tracks from the Southern Enduro champs along the way (that is optional and the alternative is still a great descent, just firewood instead).
Day 2 – lazy Sunday. Well sort of! We will start with a considerably shorter ride (9km) to the top of Bossington Hill, for the epic view, on our way to Horner. After a lunch at the excellent tea rooms we will then do 3 uplifted descents. First we will take in a long run from the top of Dunkery Beacon, followed by an epic singletrack run from the top of Porlock Hill. Finally we will return to Porlock Hill and take a super fast fireroad route down to Porlock Weir for a pint by the sea. Up to you if you do all 3 descents or 2 or 1, but the final one is suitable for all and takes us home, so if you’re only going to do 1, it should be that 1!
Day 3 – Big trees. To finish off on Monday we will decamp to the outskirts of Minehead (about 15 minute drive) to Dunster Castle. Here we will ride a nice woodland route out to England’s tallest tree and back.
Accommodation is DIY, but I would strongly recommend Sparkhayes campsite (which I will be at). It has excellent facilities, and lovely relaxed atmosphere and great views of the hills and sea. It’s also on a few minutes walk from the pubs and shops.
There are many B&Bs in the town if you would prefer a solid roof though.
Outside of your accommodation and food, the only cost will be the uplift, which will be around £10 per person in total. Exact price will be confirmed nearer the time.
All routes will be led by qualified ride leaders, who are also first aid trained.