
Friday Ladies Leisure Ride @ Croft or on the route
Apr 29 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Friday Ladies Leisure Ride @ Croft or on the route | Swindon | United Kingdom

This week’s ‘Ladies Leisure Ride’ will be on Friday 29th April.

I plan to leave Liddington around 9.30am, ride to croft via malborough rode and the cycle path – route 45, arriving at Croft around 10 am. I am happy to either carry on from there or do a lap or two, depending on what you all want to do!

I will cycle from Croft to Wroughton via Whitchelstow and head to ‘Cowpuccino’s for a coffee break, getting there for 11. Then head back to croft for around half 11 and back to Liddington , via Coate Water and badbury for another coffee or toilet break! We should be back to Liddington by 12 , depending on how long we drink coffee for.

There will be some connecting roads, cycle paths, and trail riding if you wish!

I am happy for people to join us along the way if there is only part of that route that you wish to do. Just let me know and I can arrange an approximate time to meet you.
Hope to see some more ladies out riding this week.

Road Trip to Afan @ Afan Bike Park
Nov 20 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Road Trip to Afan @ Afan Bike Park | Port Talbot | Wales | United Kingdom

Its been 3 years since i was last there and now its time to visit again. This is an awesome place to visit with some serious trails worth riding. Some tough hill climbs, but with rewarding descents.

Current weather forecast is for showers, but this is Wales, so make sure you bring waterproofs! A helmet is also essential.

Tidworth Training (again!) @ Tidworth Freeride
Mar 19 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Tidworth Training (again!) @ Tidworth Freeride | United Kingdom

Tidworth had to rearrange their opening weekend, so we’ve done the same with our first club trip there.
A bunch of us have enter the excellent Root1 Round 1 race, which uses Sicknote as the course, so we will definitely be practicing that, along with 99 Beeches – a new trail that will be used for Round 2.
And we’ll also be trying the other excellent trails there of course.

Don’t forget, entry to Tidworth cost £7 for the day and you will need to sign up for a B1ke (free) membership in advance.
Meet in the car park/finish area at 10am

Quantocks Club Ride @ Quantocks, Holford Bowling Green Car Park
Jul 23 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Quantocks Club Ride @ Quantocks, Holford Bowling Green Car Park | England | United Kingdom

Matt will be leading this club ride around the quantocks on the 23rd July.

Ride distance will be approx 28km with climbing in the region of 800m so a reasonable level of stamina will be required, but we’ll all stay together and obviously no one’s left behind.

This really is a great day out on the bike, great descents, with views and scenary to match, a lovely place to ride. There is a pub nr the car park for post ride refreshment. The ride is doable on a hardtail, but more fun on a full suss.

There are no shops or cafes on route so a rucksack with food and water is a must, as is a helmet.

The ride starts from Holford bowling green car park TA5 1SA at 10am

Afan of the Forest @ Glyncorrwg Ponds MTB Centre
Oct 8 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Afan of the Forest @ Glyncorrwg Ponds MTB Centre | Glyncorrwg | Wales | United Kingdom

The big ride.

Whites Level up. Over the top to Ywal and return via Blade descent. This is an all day’r with in excess of 50km and well over 1000m of Climb.

This is an advanced level ride, being both technical and strenuous terrain. Strongly advise knee and elbow pads.

Helmet and waterproof jacket a must. Pack lights.

Would expect to be back at the ponds by 4pm

Tidworth Tinker @ Tidworth Freeride
Apr 15 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tidworth Tinker @ Tidworth Freeride | United Kingdom

A timely weekend session at Tidworth, not too long before the first of the Root1 races. There have been some nice looking changes to the race track itself (Sicknote), as well as some of the other tracks, so a good opportunity to check it out.

You need to be a R1de member (this is free, but needs to be done in advance) and it costs £7 on the day for admission at the bike park. Register at

Meet by the new hut at 10am.

You will need a helmet (full face is a good idea if you have one).

Tidworth Morning Motivator @ Tidworth Freeride
Apr 19 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tidworth Morning Motivator @ Tidworth Freeride | United Kingdom

A relaxed morning session at Tidworth Freeride.

Meet by the hut at 10am and ride what you fancy.

You need to be a B1ke member to ride (which is free) – sign  up on their website.

You must have a helmet to ride at Tidworth, and pads are a good idea too.

Ride grading – Orange- Bike park

Entry cost – £7

GetintoMTB Goes to Wales @ Afan Lodge
Oct 12 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
GetintoMTB Goes to Wales @ Afan Lodge

Following on from the success of the previous Get Into Mountain Biking events we’re heading to Afan in Wales!

This will still be aimed at improvers/intermediate riders but will be a progression from the previous trail centres we’ve visited.

Meeting at Afan Lodge at 11am we will take a short ride to the start of the trails and begin our day on the blue-graded Blue Scar. At the top of the Blue Scar climb we can then decide whether to climb a bit more and do the first part of the red-graded trail Penhydd or continue straight to the Blue Scar descent. There is a fair amount of climbing at Afan but most of it is on fire roads and there will be plenty of opportunity to stop and admire the stunning views.

After lunch those with the energy can climb back up and do more of Penhydd or Blue Scar again, and there is also a small skills area and lovely scenic route with short section of blue-graded trail along the valley.

Those that are really feeling energetic and brave may be tempted to give the red-graded trail Y-Wal a go, but be warned, Wales trail gradings are harder than English ones.

Afan is roughly two hours drive away from Swindon so we will meet at Afan Lodge at 11am. Afan Lodge is further up the road past Afan trail centre, you’ll see the trail centre on your right and Afan Lodge is on the left. There is plenty of free parking here and a lovely cafe, and an old railway line cycle path links the two.

Since we’ll be in Wales it would seem rude not to stay a bit longer and go to Bike Park Wales on the Sunday! This won’t be an official club trip as such but there is a bike-friendly Premier Inn 5 minutes away from BPW which I may well find myself in that night 😀